Platform Security 101

Platform Security 101

❔ What is The Platform?

Digital platform’s are becoming a popular medium to engaging users and managing the customer experience. These platforms are primarily web and mobile applications that allow businesses to directly engage with their users to conduct transactions, exchange ideas and provide services. Common platforms include e-commerce, marketplaces, social networks and business applications among many more.

According to the United Nations’ latest survey study, 52% of the consumers agree they shop online more since the pandemic began. Furthermore, 53% claim that they will continue with the online shopping habits they adopted after the pandemic.

With the increase in reliance on platforms to engage the user, comes the threats to the underlying technology and data which poses a critical risk to your organization.

a few of the types of platforms SecureState can secure (
a few of the types of platforms SecureState can secure (

5️⃣ The Five Pillars of Platform Security

SecureState developed a framework to help communicate the areas of security that we address. Although our methods and processes are deeply technical, the SecureState Framework helps communicate what we deliver without needing a PhD is Cybersecurity.


👥 End-user security protects the user by safeguarding their data and controlling what they can access to protect other users and the platform.

🔢 Data security is protecting digital data such as credit card information, personally identifiable information (PII), or confidential information from unauthorized users for unwanted actions.

🔗 The supply chain is all the components within software. It includes 3rd party libraries, 3rd party plugins, and open-source software. The vulnerabilities within these components are becoming a popular attack vector by hackers.

🛡️ Defensive measures are critical for any web or mobile platform as the first layer of defense that protects against most of the threats that your platform will face.

📱 Application security is the processes of developing and testing with security across the entire platform lifecycle.

⁉️ How We Do It

SecureState uses a combination of automated tools and manual testing to provide a hybrid approach that includes proactive and reactive security testing activities. Our team has decades of cybersecurity experience with some of the largest tech companies including AWS, VMware, Google and Nintendo.


Take the first step to security and schedule a call today!
